Are You Frightened By Facebook?

When a group of Facebook users sue Facebook for invasion of privacy, it really gives you hope that the legal profession will come out of this recession stronger than ever. The ability of Americans to turn fear and an incomplete understanding of what they signed up for into a full blown lawsuit is like renewable energy to American lawyers.
As Kash explains on True/Slant, it is really quite easy to get some people to join a legal crusade:

Are you vaguely uncomfortable with Facebook? Something doesn’t feel quite right with the way it handles privacy issues, right? You can’t quite put your finger on what bothers you exactly about handing all of your photos, personal information, videos, friends, and status updates to one corporate entity for indefinite storage, but yeah, there’s something messed up about it.
If the above resonates with you, you should try to join one of the latest legal actions against the social networking company.

Of course, if you do sign up, Kash will think you’re kind of dumb. And you don’t want to disappoint Kash do you?
Check out her full piece here.
Facebook privacy lawsuit tried by the press. Found lacking. [True/Slant]
