Obama Likes 'Em Young

After taking some criticism for appointing federal judges who need to wear Life Alert buttons Underneath their Robes, Obama seems to be reversing course. Politico reports:

On Friday, Obama nominated Abdul Kallon, 40, of Birmingham, Ala., and Jacqueline Nguyen, 44, of Los Angeles, Calif., to district court judgeships. The two lawyers are the youngest of the 12 judicial nominees Obama has put forward since taking office.

While the appointments are a departure from this administration’s past habits, they are representative of Obama’s commitment to diversity on the bench:

Don’t tell the birthers, but both Nguyen and Kallon were born outside the U.S.! Nguyen was born in Dalat, Vietnam and fled with her family in the evacuation of Saigon… Kallon was born in Freetown, Sierra Leone.

Including more immigrants will make Barack’s bench look more like America. And these new people might be around a long, long time.
Obama goes young(er) with new judge picks [Politico]
Old World [The New Republic]
