Non-Sequiturs: 11.09.10

* Should we hang illegal immigrants who commit crimes? Ladies and gentlemen, I bring you your newly elected Tea Party Congressmen. Have fun. [Huffington Post]

* Meanwhile, a Daily Show producer allegedly punched a Truther who was heckling Jon Stewart at a book signing. The level of political discourse is really high in this country. (That’s my way of saying that I’m willing to sucker-hang a Truther if it gets me a spot on the Daily Show or a seat in Congress.) [Gawker]

* U.S. Bankruptcy Judge John Olson finally recused himself from a bankruptcy case in which his fiancé works for one of the firms. [Daily Business Review]

* Straight couple wants to get a civil union, not that there’s anything wrong with that. [ABA Journal]

* First year lawyer ordered to have a psychiatric evaluation after he rips up the court file in an effort to get murder charges dismissed. I’d like to point out that this man graduated from a law school and passed a bar exam. [Salem News]

* Duke suspends student tailgating after a student was found unconscious on Saturday. Is it possible for us to be any more overprotective of the millennials? Our enemies can’t wait until these kids grow up and have to start competing in a global economy. [News Observer]

* Political commentator Marc Ambinder’s farewell to blogging. [The Atlantic]
