
Career Center Survey Results: Top Partners to Work for – Chicago

As we head into the home stretch of our Top Partners to Work For series, we want to thank all of our readers who submitted such glowing partner nominations.  If you work for an outstanding partner whom you think should be included on the list, we will be accepting new nominations in another survey in […]

As we head into the home stretch of our Top Partners to Work For series, we want to thank all of our readers who submitted such glowing partner nominations.  If you work for an outstanding partner whom you think should be included on the list, we will be accepting new nominations in another survey in a few months.

Over the past three weeks, we highlighted the best partners to work for in New York; Washington, D.C.; and California.  Our round-up wouldn’t be complete without a stopover in the Windy City, before moving on to some of the smaller legal markets to close the series.

Today, we present to you six Chicago partners who go above and beyond the call of duty. And they do so while working at some of the nation’s most prestigious firms: Mayer Brown, Katten Muchin Rosenman, Winston & Strawn, Latham & Watkins, and McGuire Woods.

A round of applause for these six partners….

Robert Baptista.  An associate says that Baptista, a Mayer Brown corporate partner, “never . . . lose[s] his temper with associates and will go to bat for his associates as well.”  In addition, “[h]e is one of the most highly respected attorneys in his field and is just a generally good person.”

Michael A. Dorfman.  Dorfman, a Katten intellectual property litigation partner, “has managed to eliminate the general divide often felt between a partner and non-partner,” and “treats you as an equal and works to help everyone working for, and under, him understand and learn.”

Thomas Durkin .  Associates working for Tom Durkin, a Mayer Brown litigation partner, get an unparalleled experience because he “is the preeminent trial lawyer at Mayer Brown – Chicago.  Despite a high-profile name, Tom still prefers to bring in the ‘litigation-worthy’ case, rather than the firm norm of ‘a mass-discovery case that won’t ever get to trial.’  As a result, associates working for Tom get experiences unique within the firm — depositions, motions-practice, and client-interviews at a very young age.  In a firm where senior associates are still managing discovery, young associates working for Tom are given broad responsibilities and significant opportunities for advancement.  Finally, Tom is personable, has no ‘ego issues’ (feel free to cut him off, respectfully, mid-sentence on a client call if he’s headed down the wrong path), and expresses an interest in work-life balance and his associates’ personal life.”

Brian Heidelberger.  A corporate partner and chair of Winston & Strawn’s advertising, marketing, and entertainment law group, Heidelberger is described as “straightforward; no ego,” “excellent in his field and willing to train associates,” and “very practical.”  He also “provides great access to clients,” and “doesn’t gouge clients – ever – and trains associates to operate the same way, providing top-level service in a fair manner.”

Robin Hulshizer.  Hulshizer, a Latham & Watkins litigation partner, sets the bar for the firm in all survey categories, while being the “nicest person and greatest mentor.”

Michael Phillips.  Associates want to work for Phillips, a McGuireWoods litigation partner, because he is “extremely intelligent, considerate, and great to work with.  He generally works with one associate on a case, and the associate is responsible for preparing most if not all documents and pleadings.  He always gives feedback on assignments.  He gives clear explanations of the expectation for each assignment and never makes you feel stupid for asking a follow up question or for clarification on any point.  He takes associate suggestions into account in preparing the cases and will give associates a great deal of responsibility from an early age.”

Check back later for the final nine top partners to work for in various cities.  Not quite as content with the partners you work for?  If you’re considering making a lateral move, let Lateral Link’s experienced team of legal search consultants help you.