
ATL Webcast: Career Advice for This Summer (Part 7):<br><em>A Final Note on Networking.</em>

We’ve reached the end of our career advice webcast, We Know What You Should Do This Summer, in which a panel of experts provided career advice for this summer. The panel was sponsored by our friends at the Practical Law Company, which provides law students with free access to its excellent resources so they can […]

We’ve reached the end of our career advice webcast, We Know What You Should Do This Summer, in which a panel of experts provided career advice for this summer. The panel was sponsored by our friends at the Practical Law Company, which provides law students with free access to its excellent resources so they can succeed over the summer. Check out PLC’s law student home page to learn more.

Check out the last installment, as well as links to all of the prior segments, after the jump.

As we conclude the series, we thank our fantastic panelists:

Here’s the last segment, on a topic that’s truly evergreen: the importance of networking, and how to do it gracefully:

As always, thanks to our sponsor, the Practical Law Company. If you’re a summer associate seeking additional guidance, don’t forget to check out Summer Associate Survival Guide.

In case you missed an episode, links to all of the prior segments are collected below. We hope you’ve found this series helpful. Feel free to send us feedback by email (subject line: “Webcast Feedback”).

Good luck this summer!

Earlier: ATL Webcast: Career Advice for This Summer (Part 1): Introductions, and how to find a summer job.
ATL Webcast: Career Advice for This Summer (Part 2): Beyond Biglaw; advice for 1Ls; networking.
ATL Webcast: Career Advice for This Summer (Part 3): Government jobs; balancing work and play in Biglaw.
ATL Webcast: Career Advice for This Summer (Part 4): The post-recession summer associate experience.
ATL Webcast: Career Advice for This Summer (Part 5): Does where you went to law school matter?
ATL Webcast: Career Advice for This Summer (Part 6): What NOT to do: potential pitfalls for summer associates.
ATL Webcast: Career Advice for This Summer (Part 7): A Final Note on Networking.