
Non-Sequiturs: 06.08.11

* The bionic lawyer is coming. [CNET] * Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. [Not So Private Parts/Forbes] * Thank God somebody in Georgia understands the difference between Goth kids and murderers. [Siouxsie Law] * The headline on this Pabst v. SEC story is worth the click. [WSJ Law Blog] * Mitt Romney […]

* The bionic lawyer is coming. [CNET]

* Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. [Not So Private Parts/Forbes]

* Thank God somebody in Georgia understands the difference between Goth kids and murderers. [Siouxsie Law]

* The headline on this Pabst v. SEC story is worth the click. [WSJ Law Blog]

* Mitt Romney thinks gay should work, just not fall in love. [Poliglot / Metro Weekly]

* Here are 25 legal marketing cliches to avoid… or only use ironically, amiright? [Ross’s Law Marketing Blog]