Law Schools

Do People Choose Law Schools Based On Subway Ads?

On Friday, we told you about the administrator at New England Law who embezzled over $170,000. That was the first time Elie had heard of New England Law School, and he thought he knew all of the ABA-accredited law schools. But evidently, he hasn't taken the "T" (the Boston subway system) in quite awhile. Apparently, regular T passengers know of New England Law. If you are the kind of person who believes subway ads, you might have a totally different impression of New England Law than anybody else....

On Friday, we told you about the administrator at New England Law who embezzled over $170,000.

To be honest, that was the first time I’d heard of New England Law School, and I thought I knew all of the ABA-accredited law schools. But evidently, I haven’t taken the “T” (the Boston subway system) in quite awhile. Apparently, regular T passengers know of New England Law.

Though if you are the kind of person who believes subway ads, you might have a totally different impression of New England Law than anybody else….

A tipster snapped this picture of New England Law’s subway branding:

Five days ago, I didn’t know there was a New England Law School, but now they have connections across the country? Our tipster says:

I mean, how could a prospective student not believe the rosy employment picture? I suppose if you count all NEL grads who are struggling as legal assistants, secretaries, Starbucks baristas, burger flippers or whatever, then this isn’t quite as misleading. But who goes to law school not wanting to be a lawyer? If these kids only knew that there just aren’t enough legal positions requiring a JD out there. I just graduated from a Top 25 law school and I can’t even find a job.

This is just one example of a law school contributing to the growing problem of the lawyer surplus we have in this country. We already know that law schools will continue to do what is in their best interest, and that is, taking people’s monies and leaving them heavily in debt with no recourse to pay it off. Hopefully the problem will be fixed someday, but unfortunately, it is too late for me. Maybe I sound bitter and cynical, but I wasn’t this way before I entered law school.

It occurs to me that lawyers have all kinds of rules about what they can and cannot say in their advertisements. But law schools can say whatever they want, can’t they?

But then again, if you are going to law school based on things you see on the subway, you probably deserve what you get.

Earlier: Law School Controller Embezzles Funds: Turns Out, This Is Still a Crime