The Eyes of the Law: Justices Who Are Slumming It

Justices of the Supreme Court are sort of royalty -- or maybe even deities, gods, and goddesses who walk among us. Alas, it seems that two members of SCOTUS didn't get the memo. They are comporting themselves in public in ways that are inconsistent with the dignity of the Article III judiciary....

I once observed that federal judges are “the closest thing this nation has to an aristocracy.” If that’s the case, then justices of the United States Supreme Court are royalty — or maybe even deities, gods, and goddesses who walk among us (and occasionally crash into us, too).

Alas, it seems that two members of SCOTUS didn’t get the memo. They are comporting themselves in public in ways that are inconsistent with the dignity of the Article III judiciary.

This is a bipartisan problem. One of the offenders comes from the left side of the Court, and one comes from the right….

We’ll start with Justice Stephen Breyer. As we mentioned back in July, Justice Breyer gave a presentation in French at Harvard Law School (his alma mater, and the school where he once taught). He spoke via video “with members of Tunisian civil society and legal community about the U.S. Constitution and its role in our democratic system.”

Judges in Tunisia might want to take our Constitution as a model. But they should steer clear of Justice Breyer as an exemplar of fashion:


Yes, that’s right: SGB was sporting a short-sleeved dress shirt. Our tipster had some choice words about Justice Breyer’s sense of style….
