On the Real Differences Between Law Schools

Right now, students at one top law school are in a "near riot" -- our tipster's words, not ours -- because they feel they're being denied the education they're paying so dearly for. The institution in question: Yale Law School. As for what's upsetting the students there, we'll turn the floor over to a source....


(We’ve replaced actual names with pseudonyms.)

Desperate 3L

Hi 2Ls,

It’s me — one of the many 3Ls currently on the waitlist for Admin. We’re hoping that maybe, if you’re on the fence about taking the class, you’ll consider postponing the course until next year. Yes, we know that we could have taken the class as 2Ls, just as you are hoping to do, and perhaps we should simply suffer the consequences of assuming we’d be able to take the class this semester, *our last semester of school ever*. But some of us didn’t realize Admin would be so necessary; some of us didn’t know we’d have clerkships or other jobs that require the course; some of us were simply (and foolishly) optimistic and thought that, *of course*, we’d be able to get into Admin as 3Ls.

So if you’re thinking maybe of waiting a year — if you’re thinking the *mandatory attendance and class participation policy* sounds a bit steep — if you’re thinking you’d like to reap some amazing law school karma — we’re just here to say, Go for it! Earn those extra credit points in your next life by dropping Admin. You won’t regret it!

[Desperate 3L]


#96 on the waitlist

Hi 2Ls *and *3Ls,

Alternatively we could try to convince Robert Post/YLS to move the course to a bigger room to accommodate more people:


[#96 on the Admin wait-list]


Occupy 127 Wall Street

One percent of the rooms at YLS have 99% of the seating capacity! #OccupyRoom127


Dear Dean Post,

Professor Ho’s Admin course is currently held in room 129 and there are far fewer seats than are needed to accommodate all the students interested in taking the course. For 3Ls, this is the last opportunity to take Admin. For 2Ls, this is an opportunity to take Admin early enough in law school to be able to apply the information in other courses and clinics.

There are at least 96 people on the Admin wait-list. During the first class, there were no fewer than 26 students sitting on the floor.

It is our understanding that no other course uses room 127 on Mondays and Tuesdays from 4:10 – 6 p.m. Please let us use the room if at all possible.

Thank you for your consideration.

Dean Robert Post: Allow Admin Law #21048-01 (course for 2Ls and 3Ls) to use room 127 [Change.org]