Hacker Sends Feds Invoice For $13.2 Million For Time Spent In Prison, Payable Only In Bitcoin

He definitely forgot to consult his lawyers before sending this letter to a judge....

PAY ME MY MONEY, YOU LYING SUBHUMAN GARBAGE. You also should resign from your posts, as you’ve shown yourselves to be collective disgraces to rule of law and enemies of the United States Constitution. Those of us who actually love this country should take your places.

Andrew “Weev” Auernheimer, in an angry letter emailed to Judge Susan D. Wigenton, U.S. Attorney Paul J. Fishman, Assistant U.S. Attorney Zach Intrater, and FBI Special Agent Christian Schorle, seeking compensation for his time spent behind bars after his conviction for hacking-related charges was vacated by the Third Circuit for improper venue (congrats to Orin Kerr on that).

(Keep reading to see Weev’s entertainingly trollish letter in full.)

Weev’s Restitution Letter

Notorious Troll Writes Letter To Feds Demanding Restitution [Gawker]
Third Circuit vacates convictions in United States v. Auernheimer [Volokh Conspiracy / Washington Post]
