Playboy Model-Cum-Lawyer Stars In Reality Show

Reality TV knows a star when it sees one and a Playboy model with a law degree from a top law school is a rare combination.

Move over Andi Dorfman. The Atlanta prosecutor who traded murder trials for handing out roses may appeal to those seeking a lawyerly “girl next door” fix, but if you’re looking for more of a lawyerly “girl on girl action” type, then meet reality TV’s latest legal star, Kimberly Kisselovich.

California native Kisselovich served as Playboy’s “Cyber Girl of the Month” for June 2013, but what readers didn’t know if they weren’t diligently reading the articles is that she was working on her law degree at a top-ranked school at the time.

Which show is she on? I’ll give you a hint, it’s famous for stars parading around in skimpy outfits, getting drunk, and having inappropriate makeout sessions on camera.

Oh, wait, that’s every reality show. Except Wicked Tuna.[1]

Kimberly Kisselovich stars on the upcoming season of Big Brother! One unfortunate caveat to throw in there, she’ll be on Big Brother UK. Sorry.

If you’re unfamiliar with Big Brother, a bunch of people live in a house and are constantly watched and judged by an arbitrary audience capable of ending their tenure for entirely arbitrary reasons at a moment’s notice. It’s like Biglaw with more pool orgies.[2]


In case you’re bummed you can’t find the UK show and interested in seeing Kisselovich in action, here’s a trailer from her Playboy days which is safe-ish for work to the extent she’s clothed throughout. Meanwhile, in case you thought the “girl on girl action” line from above was hyperbole…

As it turns out, Kisselovich left California after high school for the foggy embrace of England, where her bio indicates she got her law degree. Moral of the story, for those interested in women, seems to be “go to school in England” because between Kisselovich and Vanessa Knowles, it seems as though the Brits are all about glamour models getting law degrees:

Kimberly often gets into fights with guys, ‘Whilst studying at Oxford I punched a preppy boy in the face for groping my ass’.

Her party trick is that she’s the ‘twerking queen’. Watch out Miley.

Oxford is currently the second-ranked law program in the country, making this a tremendous accomplishment worth highlighting. And it only came up as an aside to pointing out that she’s going to be the “feisty one” in the house because she doesn’t like being molested. She’s also a master at twerking. I’m so glad the Mirror chose to provide us with that nugget of information.

She would choose love over money because ‘having money without love is like having a penis with no hands’.


And she quotes Plato.

Good luck to Kimberly. We’re always happy to report on a law grad with a job!

Kimberly Kisselovich: Big Brother 2014 profile – meet the Playboy model with a law degree [Mirror]
University guide 2015: league table for law [The Guardian]

Earlier: Bachelorette Using ‘What She Learned In Law School’ To Choose Fake Husband
Law Student Poses Nude To Pay For Law School
What Should You Wear To The Law Firm Pool Party?

[1] Ironically.
[2] Note Staci’s story this week did not list “naked” as appropriate attire.