After a flurry of momentous recent Supreme Court rulings, most notably on same-sex marriage and health care subsidies, American public opinion of the Court is the most politically polarized it has ever been since Gallup began polling on the subject 15 years ago.
The latest Gallup poll findings appeared this week, in the wake of the Supreme Court rulings in late June which legalized same-sex marriage nationwide and upheld federal subsidies for health insurance purchased through government exchanges. Supreme Court approval among all Americans is up five points since last fall, from 44% to 49%. The current job approval rating is just below the 52% average, dating back to 2000.
However, viewed through the lens of party affiliation, approval of the Supreme Court proves extraordinarily volatile. GOP approval of the Supreme Court is down a full 33 points since last summer, while Democrats’ approval is up by 29 points. Republicans’ approval has plummeted to just 18%, while Democrats’ approval is up to 76%, the highest and lowest numbers in 15 years, respectively.