How A Blog About Donald Trump Is Going To Change Your Life In 2016

Can you be hypnotized into becoming a much more successful lawyer?

(Photo by Mark Wallheiser/Getty Images)

(Photo by Mark Wallheiser/Getty Images)

Before I spoil the secret and tell you how, regardless of your political bent, Donald Trump is going make your life better, try the following experiment. Close your eyes for a minute and picture what your life would look like if 2016 ended up being the most successful year of your life to date BY FAR. Your career takes off exponentially, you become much more popular and you always get your way. You even find life more meaningful.

Now, what if I told you that that you’re going to achieve this new success without making any major life changes? No new dieting, no audio books or webinars and no juice fasts. Some of you are already rolling your eyes and dismissing me as a scammer, but some of you have been reading my posts here on ATL for over a year now, and are at least curious where I’m going with this. After all, I have published conversations here with some legit folks, so that makes me legit by association, right? To those of you who have made it this far: thanks, you’re awesome. To those who still think I’m a scammer: go away, this good of a secret is not for you.

OK, here it goes: if you want to advance your career in 2016, start reading this blog.

You have probably seen or are familiar with the Dilbert comic strip. But you may not know as much about the man behind Dilbert, Scott Adams, who is also the author of, you guessed it, the Dilbert Blog. Dilbert Blog is updated daily with all sorts of interesting ideas on cows, robots, climate change, you name it.

Oh, and since August, Dilbert Blog has been predicting the rise of Donald Trump with uncanny accuracy. Scott Adams says that Trump will win the general election in a landslide.



Because Trump is what Adams refers to as a Master Persuader, someone whose skill set in language, hypnosis (yes, Trump is a hypnotist), and persuasion is so strong that they can get people to do what they want in the board room and on the election trail. Adams, who is a trained hypnotist himself, says that if you view the world as two dimensional, Trump might look like a loud, dumb lucky racist, but if you put on Master Persuader goggles, all of his moves appear methodical and calculated. And before you dismiss Adams as a closet Trump-supporting-Republican-apologist, keep in mind that he also believes that Kanye West is a Master Persuader who could win a presidential election. Also, Adams has been reminding his readers (and he has LOADS of readers) that:

I don’t endorse Trump or anyone else. I’m not smart enough to know who would do the best job of president. Nor am I well-informed on the big issues. My interest is in Trump’s persuasion skills. I have never seen better.

He says this a lot.

And it is precisely those “Trump persuasion skills” that are going to make your life better. I would tell anyone to read Dilbert Blog, especially lawyers, for whom persuasion is more than a little important. By reading Dilbert Blog, you’re going to become more persuasive in the court room and/or the board room – these new found skills will even bleed over into your personal relationships. Because, whether or not you love or hate Trump, Dilbert Blog will show you how Trump operates, and, more importantly, how you can use Trump’s persuasion skills in your daily life.

Persuasion is a skill that can be learned, and now I’m speaking from personal experience. Since beginning to read Dilbert Blog and observing Trump through Master Persuader goggles, everything in my life has been getting better, particularly my company. We’re doing less work and making more money. Since Dilbert Blog, we got deals done with a bunch of big publishers and our revenue has been growing exponentially. I honestly don’t know how we got anything done before I knew about Dilbert Blog and Master Persuaders.


And before you try to tell me that I may be not thinking rationally, and that it appears that Scott Adams may have put me under some hypnotic spell, let me tell you another secret: I’m DEFINITELY under Scott Adams’ hypnotic spell! But, if he’s been able to use his skills to hypnotize me, doesn’t that suggest that Dilbert Blog might be worth reading? After all,  you know from my musings here on ATL that I’m an otherwise rational person. Plus, don’t you want to be the first of your friends to know who is going to win the 2016 election?

Here’s the crazy thing: Scott Adams actually predicted that I would write this blog post. It’s true. As ATL editors can confirm, I started writing this post last week, but something about it didn’t seem right, so I waited until today to add the final touches and publish. Scott Adams had no idea that I was in the middle of writing this post when he predicted that people would start noticing and reporting in the media how dead on accurate he has been about Trump so far.

So has he hypnotized me? I’ll let you decide. In the meantime, read Dilbert Blog but proceed with caution, he may hypnotize you into becoming a much more successful lawyer.

Zach Abramowitz is a former Biglaw associate and currently CEO and co-founder ofReplyAll. You can follow Zach on Twitter (@zachabramowitz) or reach him by email at [email protected].