Presenting The ATL 'Everyman Litigation Rankings'

At which Biglaw firms can get the most money as a Biglaw litigator, with the least impressive educational credentials?

AA000009As we often note, the law remains the only profession in which, even decades after graduation, your peers actually care about where you went to school. The focus is not entirely misplaced. Clients have few objective measures of lawyer competence. Attorneys, risk-averse by nature, use “prestige” as a proxy for the safety and success of possible employers. Today we continue our occasional series looking at the interplay between law school and law firm rankings (previous installments here and here.)

But today is no ordinary day. We are in the midst of the Summer of MoneyLaw, so we’re asking a different question: which firms are paying at the top of the new market (very loosely and broadly defined as “first-year=$180K”) in the wake of the Cravath raises, but require the least amount of law school “prestige” in order to get it. Maybe you were lucky enough to be anointed with “prestige” when you graduated from your highfalutin law school, but what if you missed that train? Are there firms where you can still make the big bucks?

Today our focus is on litigation. So if you have ever wondered where you can get the most money as a Biglaw litigator, with the least impressive educational credentials, the ATL Everyman Litigation Firms are for you.
