T14 Law School Removes Post-Election Play-Doh Event From Website After Students Labeled 'P*ssies'

What's not to like about Play-Doh, Legos, and bubbles? Apparently a lot.

'They took away my president AND my Play-Doh!'

‘They took away my president AND my Play-Doh!’

It’s not news to anyone that many people are extremely upset about Donald Trump’s victory in the presidential election. People from all walks of life have taken to the streets to march in protest, and tensions are high. Colleagues, friends, and family members have been pitted against one another, each distraught in their own way, but it seems to be millennial law students who are the most distraught of all.

What is the salve to heal a young social justice warrior’s wounds? A school psychologist at one of the best law schools in the country — a T14 law school, mind you — thought she had the answer, but it turned out that she may have been wrong.

On Friday afternoon at Michigan Law, school psychologist Reena Sheth was scheduled to host a very special post-election workshop. You can see the pertinent details below:

Michigan Law Play-Doh Election Lunch

What’s not to like about Play-Doh, Legos, and bubbles? Apparently a lot.

Once people found out would-be lawyers who would someday make $180K were going to be comforted with coloring books, the school began to be ridiculed and incessantly mocked. Total Frat Move, for example, branded Michigan law students as “pussies” who needed to “partake in snack and play time because they didn’t get their way.”


By later that afternoon, the event was removed from the law school’s events page, and it’s not even cached by Google anymore. What’s more embarrassing, that Michigan law students needed to be comforted with bubbles or that the law school wiped the event from its website and wouldn’t stand up to support its Lego-loving law students?

So much for self-care in law school.

UPDATE (11/16): As it turns out, this event was not canceled; rather, Michigan Law simply removed it from its site in the wake of some harsh ribbing from other websites. While the law school included conflicting information about its date and time to the announcement on its events page, the well-attended self-care session was held as scheduled on November 11.

On a very personal note, I’d like to apologize for the tone of this post. I realize that many people are extremely upset with how the election turned out, and that many people are in pain. With finals just around the corner, perhaps it was too much to cope with in addition to the constant stress law students are already dealing with in the pursuit of their degrees. Putting my jokes about Play-Doh and bubbles aside, mental health initiatives are incredibly important in the law school setting. Please take care of yourselves, and please do whatever you feel is necessary to remain well.

Most colleges and universities have counseling and psychological services resources that students can turn to if they are in crisis or would like counseling, even after hours. If these services are not available at your school, and if you’re depressed and in need help, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-8255) or a lawyer assistance program in your state. Remember that you are loved, so please reach out if you need assistance, before it’s too late.


Michigan Law Students To Cope With Sad Election With Snacks And Play Time [Total Frat Move]
UMich law school scrubs post-Trump Play-Doh and coloring event from website [College Fix]

Staci ZaretskyStaci Zaretsky is an editor at Above the Law. She’d love to hear from you, so feel free to email her with any tips, questions, or comments. You can follow her on Twitter or connect with her on LinkedIn.