ATL's 9th Annual Law Revue Video Contest

Send us your submissions by TUESDAY, APRIL 18, at 5:00 P.M. (Eastern time).

Law Revue 2014Spring has sprung, and you know what that means: we’re now seeking submissions for our annual law revue video contest. Last year, 12 law schools submitted 25 videos for the contest. Some of them were funny, some of them were “meh,” and some of them made us want to close our heads inside of our laptops. Trust us when we say that you do NOT want to be in the last category.

But if you think you can carry a tune or tell a joke, we ask that you send us your very best law revue videos so that we — and the Above the Law audience — may pass judgment upon them. Prepare yourselves for the worst, but hope for the best (that’s what we’ll be doing, since we expect we may be seeing lots of Chainsmokers and Ed Sheeran parodies).

Those responsible for the winning video will get Above the Law t-shirts and the pleasure of knowing they’re the envy of all their law school brethren. As for the losers… SAD! There’s always next year….

Before you start sending us your videos (some of you already tried), we’ve got some rules. As future members of the legal profession, we hope you’ll be able to follow them.

The official rules have not changed from last year. They are:

  1. Your video must be publicly available online somewhere. Send us the link at [email protected] with the subject line “Law Revue Video Contest Submission – [School Name].” We’ll accept submissions of any videos posted after April 18, 2016 (the deadline for last year’s contest).
  2. To avoid complaints from competitors (see, e.g., West Virginia’s 2013 winning entry), your primary performers must come from within the law school community (but cameos from outsiders are okay). How do we define a “primary performer”? Don’t test us, gunners. We’ll know a violation when we see it.
  3. Send us that submission by TUESDAY, APRIL 18, at 5:00 P.M. (Eastern time). That’s not a soft, law school deadline; it’s a hard, law firm deadline. (NO EXCEPTIONS, so don’t even try pleading with us; if you’re reading this post after the deadline, you don’t read ATL frequently enough.)
  4. We will accept “studio recordings” of scenes intended for live performance.
  5. Your editors here at ATL will make a list of our favorites, the competition finalists, and post them.
  6. We will NOT watch videos longer than 5 minutes. Use editing tools, people.
  7. Please submit no more than two entries per school (one per school is even better). Try to collaborate with your fellow students and submit no more than two entries. If the leadership of Law Revue can come up with “official” submissions, that would be ideal.
  8. ATL readers will then vote to choose the funniest of the finalists. The winning team will receive ATL t-shirts (limit five shirts).

Here are some unofficial rules:


  • Please send funny videos only.
  • You have no idea how short our attention spans are. If you use the full five minutes, it better be absolutely freakin’ HILARIOUS.
  • Gratuitous shout-outs to Above the Law are appreciated and encouraged.
  • Video quality matters. A shaky clip shot on a handheld from a third-floor balcony is probably not going to make the cut.
  • Don’t make us hate you.

Send those videos in. Best of luck, because the competition is fierce, and you’ll need it!!!

Earlier: Prior Law Revue Video Contest coverage

Staci ZaretskyStaci Zaretsky is an editor at Above the Law. She’d love to hear from you, so feel free to email her with any tips, questions, or comments. You can follow her on Twitter or connect with her on LinkedIn.
