Stat Of The Week: The Incredible Shrinking Law School

Median class size has crashed over the past four years.

stat imageAt his Excess of Democracy blog, Pepperdine Law Professor Derek Muller shares an analysis of law school class sizes. Professor Muller calculated the median graduating class size over the last four years and found a significant decline across the board. In 2013, the median class size was 206. By 2016, it had plummeted to 161. This decline cannot be attributed to a few dramatic examples toward the bottom of the food chain (e.g., Thomas M. Cooley dropped from 1,143 graduates in its class of ’13 to 462 for the class of ’16), but rather is a “quite widespread” phenomenon across law schools of all sizes and all categories:

Graphic: Excess of Democracy

Brian Dalton is the director of research for Breaking Media. Feel free to email him with any questions or comments.
