National Society Of Entertainment And Arts Lawyers Presents The David A. Pierce Award

NSEAL is made up of the country’s top artists’ rights advocates and has litigated some of the most important artists’ rights cases over the past couple of decades.

NSEAL David A Pierce Award Ceremony_Page_1If there is anything a lawyer or law student needs about now, it’s a good laugh. So the National Society of Entertainment and Arts Lawyers (NSEAL) put together a fantastic event at the Comedy Store in Los Angeles on June 20. When not litigating or crafting polemics for this fine website, I act as a regional director for this wonderful group. 

NSEAL is made up of the country’s top artists’ rights advocates. Its members have litigated some of the most important artists’ rights cases over the past couple of decades. These members have pledged to dedicate their practices to representing creatives and ensuring that their rights are respected and enforced. In other words, members seek to use their legal skills for good (protecting artists) as opposed to evil (protecting infringers). NSEAL provides pro bono services, acts as amici in important artists’ rights cases, lobbies for better copyright laws, and mentors folks interested in artist advocacy.

The Comedy Store event will bring together some of the country’s top entertainment and arts lawyers for an evening of networking, hilarity, and delicious, delicious food from the ineffable Canter’s Deli. The evening will also include the awarding of the first David A. Piece Award to an attorney who has made a lasting, positive impact on artists’ rights over the last year.

If you are in, or can find a way to, the Los Angeles area, you should attend!

Further details are here. Tickets can be purchased here.

Scott_Alan_BurroughsScott Alan Burroughs, Esq. practices with Doniger / Burroughs, an art law firm based in Venice, California. He represents artists and content creators of all stripes and writes and speaks regularly on copyright issues. He can be reached at, and you can follow his law firm on Instagram: @veniceartlaw.
