New World Method Principle #4: Truth - Challenging Limiting Beliefs

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The principle of Truth, and the accompanying practice of Challenge Limiting Beliefs, is foundational to finding and following a calling. At The New World Institute, we define limiting beliefs as those ideas that hold you back from work that is work fueled by passions and purpose.
So, the first step in this process is discovering your own limiting ideas. Some ideas are individually based, and some ideas may be societal. For example, if your history includes making a lot of money from something you despise, you may have created an internal idea that you will never make money from something you love to do. You may believe this so strongly that it has prevented you from taking the time to explore your options for what you may enjoy that can also bring you a great income. Limiting ideas can be very powerful and often are based in fears more than facts.
Right now, many people believe that because of the current economy, they are lucky to have work and that right now is not the time to explore other options for jobs or careers. In fact, the timing may never be better for exploring your options for new work. Our rapidly changing world economy is morphing all existing industries and opening new possibilities every day. Job security is no longer in the hands of organizations; you have to be in charge of your own career, and the more prepared you are for change, the happier you will be in the long run.
Once you excavate your limiting beliefs, the next step is to re-script them in a way that is authentic for you and empowering. For example:
“I can’t make money from something I love” may become “I am willing to research potential careers that I can do in the future that are enjoyable and profitable.”
“I am lucky to have a job and this is not the right time to look for new work” may become “In order to be better prepared for change, I will explore new options for my next career chapter.”
If you are interested to find out how The New World Institute can help you transform your career, then call (347) 445-5763 for more information.
Laurel Donnellan is the President and Co-Founder of The New World Institute.
