Brokered Convention

  • Non-Sequiturs: 04.01.16

    Non-Sequiturs: 04.01.16

    * Combining April Fools’ Day, tax season, and furry pets into a single joke. Well played, sir. [TaxProf Blog]

    * Booooo! This spoilsport argues that judges should stop issuing benchslaps. We disagree. [SSRN]

    * Prepare to have your worldview shaken: Richard Nixon and William Rehnquist are actually the ones responsible for paving the path for transgender rights. [Slate]

    * This term, the Supreme Court is on track for the fewest signed opinions in recent history. Take a detailed look at the Court’s first 19 decisions. [Empirical SCOTUS]

    * President Obama is taking the fight over Merrick Garland to UChicago Law. [Huffington Post]

    * A judge is allowing a lawsuit against a Northwestern’s journalism school to go forward. The suit alleges the school’s “innocence project” uses unethical practices in its wrongful conviction investigations. [Journal-ism]

    * Get the rundown on the rules that will govern the GOP convention and the establishment’s last stand against Trump. [Lawyers, Guns and Money]

  • Non-Sequiturs: 03.31.16

    Non-Sequiturs: 03.31.16

    * The essential questions every in-house counsel should ask before they pick a law firm. [Forbes]

    * Donald Trump’s comments advocating punishment for women who have abortions have been turned into an attack ad. That didn’t take much time at all. [The Hill]

    * Read up on the lawsuit filed by the US Women’s National Team filed against US Soccer alleging discriminatory wage practices. [Huffington Post]

    * What are the best practices for answering emails when you are at home? [Corporette]

    * Another reason to not have lifetime appointments for Supreme Court justices. [Medium]

    * Yup, this is real: Missouri lawmakers made quite the mistake. [Gawker]

    * Are you preparing mentally for the possibility of a brokered convention? Then read up on the last person to emerge as the candidate from a brokered convention to win the presidency. [Slate]

  • Non-Sequiturs: 03.14.16
    In-House Counsel, Non-Sequiturs

    Non-Sequiturs: 03.14.16

    * Ivanka Trump is getting called out on Instagram. Seems one of the shoes in her eponymous line is a dead ringer for Aquazzura’s Wild Thing fringe sandal. [The Fashion Law]

    * The billable hour actually makes law firms less competitive — not that this revelation will stop firms from conducting business that way. [Lawyerist]

    * When people attack Judge Jane Kelly because she used to be a public defender, they are really taking a crack at the Sixth Amendment. [Slate]

    * All the things that in-house counsel really want from their outside attorneys. [Ten Things]

    * A contested convention looks increasingly likely, and the GOP establishment is busy planning for that eventuality. [Bloomberg Politics]

    * Our friends at Solo Practice U turn 7! Don’t miss their anniversary special. [Solo Practice University]

    * Word to the wise: when you start looking to House Of Cards for political tactics, you might be one of the bad guys. [The Slot]

    * What it takes to pull off a career comeback. (Spoiler alert: it isn’t easy.) [Law and More]

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