2015 Was A Weak Year For The Legal Industry… And You Should Expect More Of The Same In 2016
As 2015 draws to a close, 2016 looks to be a weak year for law firms.
As 2015 draws to a close, 2016 looks to be a weak year for law firms.
Are happy days here again for in-house lawyers (and the law firm lawyers who work for them)?
Contracts are now integrated into an end-to-end system, and efficiencies abound.
A new client advisory from Citi Private Bank and Hildebrandt Consulting contains predictions and advice for large law firms.
According to Hildebrandt, lawyers aren’t naturally overly critical, risk-averse people who are emotionally dead inside. It’s stress that makes lawyers behave this way. Those are the top-line results of a Hildebrandt study. The consulting firm did personality tests on 1,800 lawyers from four large law firms. The surveys tested both partners and associates, in attempt […]
I like paying attention to what consultants say about the Biglaw market. It offers a fun little insight into what people think partners want to hear. The ABA Journal reports that consultants at Hildebrandt think partners want to hear that they can still fire people — lots of people: Writing for the blog of law […]