ERISA Hotties: A Behind-the-Scenes Look
Two updates in our post-results coverage of ERISA hotties:
1. We are happy to report that, as requested by one of the winners, tiaras will be provided to the two winning ERISA hotties: Professor Bruce Wolk and Sarah E. Downie.
The tiaras will be furnished courtesy of acclaimed wedding tiara designer Christina Garcia. We will be contacting the winners to find out their shipping information.
2. Check out this hilarious email — which we and dozens of others received as a forwarded message. (We’ve deleted the endless string of email forwards that preceded the original message.)
I will send a serious email later, but first a frivolous one — I am 5 votes down in the ERISA Hottie Contest. The polls close at 1:00 your time. The leader has been sending me some rather snooty emails — it seems she’s ready to count me out and claim the crown.
So, I need to teach this girl a lesson — get your mom and dad to vote! Send the link to anyone good humored enough to help me win!
We will leave it to you to guess the identity of the sender — but it shouldn’t be too hard to figure out.
Earlier: Prior ERISA Hotties coverage