Earlier today, we announced the nominated men for our Law School Dean Hotties Contest. As we mentioned, because we limited ourselves to seven nominees, a number of worthy contenders had to be excluded on the male side.
But hey, guess what? Because there were a number of them, we’re going to share with you the nominated men who didn’t make the final cut — and allow you to vote on who’s the hottest among them. Think of it as “LSD Hotties: The B Bracket.”
Check ’em out, and cast your ballot, after the jump.
(Teaser: Guess what? Forty percent of them are named Walter!)
Title: Evjue-Bascom Professor and Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, University of Wisconsin Law School, Madison, WI
“Sometime in the early 20th century, a legend sprung like cabbage from a crime-infested grotto in the Bronx, when Walter J. Dickey was born into our world. Soon (as early as elementary school, legend has it) he would share his knowledge about the intent of humans who kill other humans and when to submit lesser offenses. After inventing the exclamation mark, stairs, the hydroelectric dam and shoelaces, Walter Dickey joined the UW faculty as the God of All That is Criminal Law. Today he chairs a committee … in our hearts. Remember that God created life and Dickey created law. So next time you see a drunken man throw a beer bottle at his wife’s lantern or a hunter stealing shrapnel from an open field, take a deep breath, tap your head suggestively with three fingers, and ask yourself: What Would Dean Dickey Do?”
“Why is Walter J. Dickey America’s Hottest Law School Dean? Well, isn’t it obvious? The bristling forearms and gruff smile, the wisdom that comes from being the former head of the Wisconsin Department of Corrections (supposedly he still keeps a spare set of warden’s keys on his belt), and sentencing guru… University of Wisconsin 1Ls often ponder ‘WWWJDD?’ or ‘What Would Walter J. Dickey Do?’ By the time they are 3Ls, they still haven’t figured it out, but feel lucky if WJD has ever looked their way and grunted hello in the hallway during their three years in Mad-town. In class, he implores, “Read the statutes! Read the statutes!” Bottomline is: You don’t f*** with the Dick. He’s hot.”
Title: Dean and Professor of Law, Southwestern Law School, Los Angeles, CA
“As a law school with a renowned entertainment and media law institute, in the heart of the entertainment capital of the world (Koreatown is only minutes away from Hollywood on non-traffic days), it should come as no suprise that when Southwestern Law School went looking for a new dean, image played a big part.”
“As with all things related to a Hollywood image, looks were a major concern; and in this respect, SWLAW exceeded expectations in its hiring of Dean Bryant Garth. So forget that he can proficiently whisper sweet nothings to you in four foreign languages, or that he is a man of considerable power (former Director of the American Bar Foundation), and a man of letters (author or co-author of more than 16 books and 75 articles). This Dean of all men is straight up H-O-T-T, and his refreshing new look on the Hollywood scene is sure to influence the likes of Vinny Chase everywhere, as everyone tries to sport the Dean Garth look.”
“With his movie-star looks — Kevin Spacey, anyone? — Bryant Garth will be a fierce competitor in your hot law school dean contest. Harry Hamlin ain’t got nothing on this L.A. lawyer. Dean Garth is going straight to the top of the heap!”
Title: Dean and William B. Graham Professor of Law, University of Chicago Law School, Chicago, IL
“Dean hottie isn’t gonna be an easy category for you. Saul Levmore of Chicago is a devoted runner and witty teacher. I hear the ladies at UC really like him. But, then, there aren’t really any ladies at UC. Total boys school. So the jury’s gotta be out, and I’ve never met Levmore. (Sorry for this uninspired testimonial, maybe you’ll get others that are better.)”
“Dean Saul Levmore of Chicago rocks the chrome dome. The man is a solar-powered love machine!”
“In addition to numerous, groundbreaking law review articles, Dean Levmore is the author of Super Strategies for Puzzles and Games. If that’s not hot, I don’t know what is!”
Title: Dean and Educational Foundation Distinguished Professor, University of South Carolina Law School, Columbia, SC
“Dean Pratt (formerly an associate dean at Notre Dame, he took over the reins at SC this year) is the Lovable Huggable Adorable Teddy Bear of law school deans. Just look at the thick head of hair (impressive in a man of his age), the squinty eyes, the full bushy beard, and (in the SC photo anyway) the quaint southern-gentlemanly bowtie. Dean Pratt’s specialty is legal history, surely one of the hottest topics around. And note the recent promotion – the man is in demand! He’s hot!”
Title: Dean and Professor of Law, Hofstra University School of Law, Hempstead, NY
“Hofstra’s Aaron Twerski, America’s only Orthodox Jewish Dean, is a true hottie. He has all the ladies after him. He drives them wild with his gruff, no-nonsense demeanor, gravelly voice, and flowing mane of white and grey hair. He’s said of himself that he ‘spends money like a sailor,’ and his refusal to shake any of their hands makes him even more desired by the opposite sex. He is the total package!!!”
Okay, now that you’ve had the chance to ogle them, let’s vote:

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Earlier: Law School Dean Hotties: Your Male Nominees
Law School Dean Hotties: Your Female Nominees