A few readers have sent along the link to this Craigslist ad for an “ASSociate Attorney” based in midtown Manhattan:
Small, congenial law firm needs top notch associate attorney to join our exceptional team. Please do not apply if you do not meet the following requirmenets: [sic]
1. Top half of the class at Harvard, Yale, UPenn, U Michigan, or Georgetown; top 10% at U Chicago, Boalt or UCLA. Top 1% everywhere else.
2. Law review and/or moot court experience a MUST.
3. Federal Clerkship REQUIRED.
4. Must be willing to accept $28,000 per year. $10,000 bonus for billing over 2500 hours a year. The bonus is pro-rata more, so it is worth the extra billing.
5. Must be willing to make coffee every hour, on the hour. The position is open becuase [sic] our last associate sustained severe burns from the hot plate in which the coffee post rests. We had to discharge him as he required too much “leave” time.
6. Insurance after two years, with employee contribution at 50%.
7. Must be willing to share a desk with a paralegal. She said you can have the top drawer.
8. Must be in the office by 8am, and remain until 10pm. On Fridays, you can leave by 9:30pm.
9. Must be a team player.
Please send resume to the link above. Good luck- hope to see you soon!
We ASSume this is a joke. It’s not the first time an attorney frustrated by the job search has used Craigslist humor to vent.
We’re curious, though, about the law school biases. You only have to be top half at U Penn to meet their requirements, but you have to be top 1% at NYU or Columbia. What’s up with that?
UPDATE (12:16 p.m.): The man behind the ad steps forward. It’s not his first appearance on these pages. And he gives us hope that the job market may just be improving, after the jump.

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Our old friend from January is back. As you may recall from our January post, he’s “a 30-year-old New York attorney, who has been doing contract work since he graduated from a New England law school in 2005.” He’s still trying to find a new higher-paying job.
Here’s his response to our e-mailed inquiry in response to the ad:
I am the same guy who posted the fake CL ad back in January. Last time, it drew so much attention. Moreover, and more importantly, I received plenty of positive feedback (i.e. “you’ve made my day”)- basically because job seekers are so stressed out right now that they needed something to laugh at.
Unlike last time, I have not received resumes. This is a relief; either people are not as desperate, or I made it clearer that the posting was a fake.
Yay for fewer desperate job seekers! That’s a good sign, right?
All together, I am thrilled that I make people laugh in this bullish economy. If I have offended anyone looking for a job, I am sorry, but it is not directed towards them.
Please keep my name anonymous. I may post another one. And yes, it is worth the $25. My job situation isn’t going well, either. But again, I should be grateful to have a job!

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Anonymous poster is currently making $60K. A mere $25 is a small chunk of change, and worth the ATL fame, we’re sure.
ASSociate Attorney (Midtown West) [Craigslist]
Earlier: Funny Craigslist job listing makes us sad