Breaking: Jones v. Minkin Dismissed!!!(Plaintiff voluntarily dismisses lawsuit against ATL.)

Yesterday’s Lawsuit of the Day — Jones v. Minkin, a $44 million lawsuit against yours truly, Above the Law publisher David Minkin, and Dead Horse Media (now known as Breaking Media) — has been voluntarily dismissed by the plaintiff, University of Miami law professor Donald Jones.

There was NO SETTLEMENT in this case. Above the Law has made no changes to our prior posts, and we have paid no money to Professor Jones. The case was dismissed by the plaintiff without anything from our side, except a letter from our lawyer.

UPDATE (3:35 PM): We have offered Professor Jones a guest post on Above the Law in which to provide his side of the story, about either the lawsuit or the underlying facts. We have offered to keep the comments on that post closed or open, depending on his preference. (And we would have done this in the first place, had he made such a request.)

A huge thanks to our counsel, Marc Randazza.

Comment from Randazza, plus links to the notice of voluntary dismissal and other news outlets and blogs — we will UPDATE continually, so do check back for fresh links — after the jump.

Marc Randazza, who represented us in this matter, had this to say:


I’m relieved that Mr. Jones came to his senses. We were prepared to file a motion to dismiss and a motion for sanctions, and we were confident that both would have been successful. I am consistently unimpressed by academics and anti-speech parties who think that the courts are there for the redress of foolishness, not the legitimate redress of valid legal grievances.

Randazza has a post about the case up on his blog, The Legal Satyricon.

Comments on this post are open. We will be continually updating this post with links to coverage of the suit (as we did for our prior post).

Jones v. Minkin: Notice of Voluntary Dismissal [Southern District of Florida (PDF)]

Earlier: Lawsuit of the Day: Jones v. Minkin
Prior ATL coverage of D. Marvin Jones (scroll down to view all posts)


UPDATE (3:30 PM): Here are links to early coverage of the dismissal:

I shaved my balls for this? [The Legal Satyricon]
Plaintiff drops “Jones v Minkin” – It’s the Google Juice, stupid [Law and More]
Suit Against Above the Law Vountarily Dismissed by Plaintiff [WSJ Law Blog]
That Was Fast! Above The Law Lawsuit Dismissed [Law Review]

UPDATE (3:35 PM): We have offered Professor Jones a guest post on Above the Law in which to provide his side of the story, about either the lawsuit or the underlying facts. We have offered to keep the comments on that post closed or open, depending on his preference. (And we would have done this in the first place, had he made such a request.)

UPDATE (4:30 PM): Suit Against Above the Law Quickly Dismissed [New York Personal Injury Law Blog]