Election Law

Election Day Shenanigans Watch: Polling Station Closed due to Election Monitor Fight

And now there’s this election day tidbit from the Philadelphia Daily News: We’re told that the polling place at the Mummer’s Museum at 2nd Street and Washington Ave. has been shut down and that police are on the scene. “It’s Our Money” blogger Ben Waxman is down there and tells us that the shut down […]

And now there’s this election day tidbit from the Philadelphia Daily News:

We’re told that the polling place at the Mummer’s Museum at 2nd Street and Washington Ave. has been shut down and that police are on the scene. “It’s Our Money” blogger Ben Waxman is down there and tells us that the shut down came after a screaming match between competing judges of elections. The District Attorney is reportedly on his way to the scene.

I think by “judge of elections,” they’re talking about election monitors (who are often lawyers) hired by major political parties to make sure there’s no funny business at the polls.

The polls reopened later in the day, by the “minority judge” (the Daily News doesn’t tell us which party) was complaining that he was being kept out of the polling place, despite having a court order.

There’s a pretty interesting Senate race in Pennsylvania, and you know what they say about Pennsylvania: “it’s Philadelphia and Pittsburgh with Alabama in between.” So far, no reports of shenanigans in Alabama…

Earlier: Election Day Shenanigans Watch: So Long As You Can Avoid the Pigs, You Should Be Golden