Non-Sequiturs: 11.29.10

* Law firms that overwork their employees have higher turnover of employees. I’m sure law firms would care about this if the supply of fresh lawyers wasn’t seemingly limitless. [Going Concern]

* This is why in-house bonuses should be higher than the “don’t let the door hit you on the way out” bonuses Biglaw is paying. [Law Shucks]

* It’s time to sexually harass the women you work with… err, I mean, “it’s time to go to your holiday party.” [Connecticut Employment Law Blog]

* Lest you think xenophobia was a purely American invention, Switzerland moves to automatically banish foreigners who commit crimes. [Legal Blog Watch]

* Do you want to be a judge? Are you sure? It’s one of ten high-paying jobs that doesn’t have a future. [Money Watch via ABA Journal]

* Michael Vick’s second chance seems to be going quite well. Put me down as a “no” vote on the “should dog killers be allowed to re-enter polite society” referendum. Of course, reasonable people will disagree with my marginally hypocritical overreaction. [Simple Justice]

* In a matter of time, the legal battle about whether two men can marry will be concluded, and three men whom you’ve never met will try to offer you an explanation as to the constitutional validity of gay marriage. For my part, I’ve done as much as I can do to bring the truth to light. And the truth is this: gay marriage is only an open question because good people haven’t been strong enough to stand up for equal rights. Always, Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Andrew Mystal. [WSJ Law Blog]
