
ATL Webcast: Career Advice for This Summer (Part 1)<br><em>Introductions, and how to find a summer job.</em>

Earlier this month, Above the Law recorded a webcast, We Know What You Should Do This Summer. We convened a panel of career experts to discuss how law students can make the most of their summers. The panel was sponsored by our friends at the Practical Law Company. (We previously explained PLC and its mission […]

Earlier this month, Above the Law recorded a webcast, We Know What You Should Do This Summer. We convened a panel of career experts to discuss how law students can make the most of their summers. The panel was sponsored by our friends at the Practical Law Company. (We previously explained PLC and its mission over here.)

We started off with information and tips for our less fortunate readers — namely, law students (and lawyers) who have not yet found positions for the summer.

Check out the first installments, after the jump.

The proceedings began with ATL editor Elie Mystal’s introduction of the panelists:

The discussion then turned to how you can find a summer job (if you don’t have one yet), the importance of networking (to unemployed law students and lawyers alike), and what you should look for in a summer position (with a discussion of the trade-off between experience and pay):

Thanks again to our sponsor, the Practical Law Company, and thanks to all the readers who submitted questions for the panel’s consideration. We’ll be addressing some of your queries in subsequent webcasts.

Earlier: Are You a Law Student Seeking Career Advice? Send Us Your Questions.