Bar Review Diaries: Best of Luck on the Bar Exam!

Good luck to everyone taking the bar exam this week! Here are some last-minute tips and advice.

For all our readers and friends starting the bar exam tomorrow: Good luck! You can do it!

Keep reading for a few last-minute tips. And let’s see if any of the many readers who have already passed the big test have some advice…

Don’t forget to bring all that stuff you might need: your admission ticket, ID, timer, pens, pencils, highlighters, cushions, erasers, laptop, charger, tampons, asthma inhalers, contact lens drops, snacks, earplugs and a sweater in case of an over-active air-conditioning. To be safe, get it all ready tonight, so you aren’t scrambling in the morning.

Don’t worry about perfection! You just have to pass.

Try to get some rest tonight, and don’t forget to eat throughout the test. It will be a long few days of work, and you gotta feed your brain.

Readers, what winning tips do you have for bar exam takers? Please share your insights in the comments. People will be looking for any last-minute edge.


Again, good luck. Buena suerte. Break a leg, shake a leg. Godspeed, and may the Force be with you.

Earlier: Good Luck on the Bar Exam!
Last Weekend Before the Bar Exam: Open Thread

Disclosure: This series is sponsored by Themis Bar Review, which is an ATL advertiser.

Christopher Danzig is a writer in Oakland, California. He previously covered legal technology for InsideCounsel magazine. Follow Chris on Twitter @chrisdanzig or email him at [email protected]. You can read more of his work at
