Caption Contest Winner: New York Law School

It’s time to announce the winner of our most recent caption contest, involving a photograph taken at New York Law School….

Once again, here’s the photo:

And here’s the winning caption:

No NYLS grads, that is not how you serve a lawsuit.

The victory of this caption isn’t shocking; it was the favorite going in, with the highest number of Disqus “likes.”


(Personally I voted for option F: “Okay New York City, show us where on the doll the law school hurt you.”)

As is customary with our caption contests, we will now reveal the backstory behind the picture. A tipster explains:

Regarding the attached picture, NYLS used tax exempt bonds to pay for construction of a new building. You can get this information by accessing the NYLS Annual Report through Guidestar.

The “Shame on NYLS” sign has been displayed every day for the past month, with people protesting because NYLS used non-unionized labor to build the new building.

You can also see information on NYLS repurchasing its own bonds on the NYLS website at

Thanks to everyone for suggesting comments and for voting. If you wrote the winning caption, feel free to email us, subject line “Caption Contest Winner,” to claim your prize (an ATL t-shirt).

Earlier: Caption Contest Finalists: New York Law School
Caption Contest: New York Law School
