Non-Sequiturs: 10.03.11

* Oh look, another random group is kind of indirectly in support of the Occupy Wall Street protests in a totally unfocused way. You know, I’m thinking of joining the protests, unless and until the BANKERS, stop hoarding the jetpack and flying cars I was promised by every sci-fi movie and television show by 2010. [Gothamist]

* Antonin Scalia has been on the court for 25 years. And still the left hasn’t learned that the way to beat him is to nominate somebody as ideologically and intellectually committed as he is. [DC Dicta]

* Does it really matter if states disenfranchise millions of voters this election cycle when if the choice is between a moderate black Republican and a moderate Mormon Republican? [WSJ Law Blog]

* You know what drunken college campuses need more of? Guns, naturally. [Gawker]

* Alberto Gonzales got a new gig. [News Channel 5]

* No offense to the Slut Walkers, but when I see a half naked woman strutting down the street or into a bar, I don’t think she’s saying “no means no.” I think she’s saying “yes, please, isn’t it obvious” also means “no!” [NY Mag]

* You’ve all heard about my movie idea, right? The main antagonist is the Governor of a large, southwestern state. He rises to national prominence based in part on his tough record as a crime fighter. Under his leadership his state has put more criminals, predominately African-American criminals, to death than anybody else. But there’s a catch. Because the lethal injections in his state don’t actually kill anybody, the serum just puts the convicts to sleep. When they awake the convicts are prey — the most dangerous prey — at Ni**erland Ranch. Directed by John Singleton, starring John Goodman and Will Smith. [Time]
