Bar Review Diaries: Thank God That's Over!

How did our Bar Review Diarists feel about the bar exam?

What’s good, Andrew?

Well… it’s over. And like everything else about my legal education, the end was considerably anti-climactic. “Congratulations, your first year exams are over. See you next year… and the year after that.” “Congratulations on graduating. Good luck on the Bar.” “Congratulations, the Bar Exam is over. You’ll get your results in three months.” “Congratulations on passing the Bar. Good luck finding a job.”

That is a good point, and it’s really… depressing.

Here’s my answer to the question everybody asks (but no one really cares about): How was it?

First, the best part about it was not the end. No, instead, channeling my inner third-grader, my favorite part of the Bar Exam was lunch. (If only we were also given a recess… sigh.) Seriously, has there ever been as strained a conversation as the one that happens in the middle of the Bar Exam. “So, what do you guys want to talk about?” “Anything but the questions we just answered.” [Silence.] “Did you guys watch the game last night?” [Silence.] “How about this weather?” [Silence.] [Silence.] [Silence.] “What did you guys put for the Secured Transactions question?” @#$dammit Donald.

Second, my second favorite part of the bar exam was a little game I like to call “Anxiety Bingo.”

I like this already.

Instead of Bingo numbers, you use the nervous neuroses of nearby exam takers as bingo squares. I won with a line-up of “nervous pacer,” “neurotic nose blower,” “uncontrollable crier,” “bag (of Bar Examiner approved items) lady,” and, my personal favorite, “person who just threw up on himself… again.” Outstanding.

Finally, I can’t talk about my Bar Exam experience without mentioning the absolute utter ridiculous things people say about it. For example, I kid you not, one person told me, and I quote, “You can’t really understand the Bar Exam unless you’ve been through it. It’s kind of like war or prison that way.”

Sigh. This is why other countries hate America.

Having said that, I’m sure I’ll probably fail the exam.

See you next year!

I’m sure our diarists did wonderfully, but for the time being, I think they (and all the other recent test takers) deserve a little round of applause — or at least a golf clap and a stiff drink.


Check in next week for the final installment of this year’s Bar Review Diaries, where we will find out what each member of our trio will be doing next.

Disclosure: This series is sponsored by Themis Bar Review, which is an ATL advertiser.
