
Non-Sequiturs: 11.24.14

* 2014 Moot Court rankings. Florida Coastal? Really? Good for them. [The National Jurist] * Young lawyers are making legal mobile apps. Great, now I'm going to start getting notifications about helping friends out with their LawVille game. [TaxProf Blog] * Judge sends motivational tweet, no big deal. No judge sends motivational tweet DURING A MURDER TRIAL, now there's something! [Legal Cheek] * A number of law professors filed a brief supporting the NCAA in the Ed O'Bannon antitrust appeal. What do you know, there's actually someone out there supporting the NCAA. [CBS Sports] * Cooley LLP is representing Immigration Judge Ashley Tabaddor in an interesting lawsuit against the DOJ. Judge Tabaddor is Iranian-American, and the DOJ ordered her off all cases involving Iranians based on her heritage. That... doesn't sound right. [Cooley LLP] * Ron Collins kicks off a multi-part series on Judge Richard Posner. [Concurring Opinions] * English was William F. Buckley's third language? Huh. Never knew that. [What About Clients?] * David and Elie appeared on Power Lunch today to discuss bonus season. Video below. [CNBC]

* 2014 Moot Court rankings. Florida Coastal? Really? Good for them. [The National Jurist]

* Young lawyers are making legal mobile apps. Great, now I’m going to start getting notifications about helping friends out with their LawVille game. [TaxProf Blog]

* Judge sends motivational tweet, no big deal. No judge sends motivational tweet DURING A MURDER TRIAL, now there’s something! [Legal Cheek]

* A number of law professors filed a brief supporting the NCAA in the Ed O’Bannon antitrust appeal. What do you know, there’s actually someone out there supporting the NCAA. [CBS Sports]

* Cooley LLP is representing Immigration Judge Ashley Tabaddor in an interesting lawsuit against the DOJ. Judge Tabaddor is Iranian-American, and the DOJ ordered her off all cases involving Iranians based on her heritage. That… doesn’t sound right. [Cooley LLP]

* Ron Collins kicks off a multi-part series on Judge Richard Posner. [Concurring Opinions]

* English was William F. Buckley’s third language? Huh. Never knew that. [What About Clients?]

* David and Elie appeared on Power Lunch today to discuss bonus season. Video below. [CNBC]