Orly Taitz Is Saying Stupid Stuff Again: Amal Clooney Edition

Now Orly Taitz is trying to drag Amal Clooney into the Birther movement.

Dear Barrister Clooney,

Recently Barbara Walters named you a person of the year. You are well known for representing Julian Assange and Yulia Timoshenko and recently you made news again due to your claims that you were threatened with an arrest in Egypt for criticizing the Egyptian government and Egyptian judiciary.

I am  sending this open letter to you, to urge you to look at the corruption and flagrant criminality in the US government, particularly during Obama regime.

I am forwarding to you this file, attached, Table of evidence of forgery and fraud showing Barack Obama’s using a Connecticut Social Security number 042-68-4425, which was never issued to him, but rather issued to a resident of Connecticut born in 1890 and presumed to be deceased with no heirs. The file, also, provides a sworn affidavit from a retired Chief Investigator of the US Coast Guard stating that Obama’s selective Service certificate is a flagrant forgery. This 150 page file shows expert opinions and affidavits of government officials attesting to the fact that citizen of Indonesia, born in Kenya, Barry Soetoro, aka Barry Soebarkah, aka Barack Obama is using all fabricated IDs.

This was never heard on the merits. Top US officials, including Attorney General of the US Eric Holder, Commissioner of Social Security, Carolyn Colvin and a number of high ranked judges committed treason in being complicit in this cover up.

Civil rights attorneys, like myself, were persecuted. In multiple cases documents were removed from court records and falsified. In one case in Eastern District of Pennsylvania, a court reporter removed 14 pages, the whole cross examination of a party,  from the official transcript  and removed all mention of these pages from the table of contents. Subsequent complaints to the Chief Judge f the District, Chief Judge of the Circuit, Judicial Council, District Attorney of Philadelphia did not yield any action for a period of 4 years.

I believe, that the ruling international oligarchy picked Obama as they sought the most compromised puppet, they could find on the face of the planet, to pull 9 trillion dollars of accumulated National debt in just 6 years of Obama regime, trillions of dollars redirected from the US treasury and US taxpayers into the pockets of the oligarchs. A compromised puppet with bogus IDs will do anything, and he sure did.


So, I hope that as a human rights attorney, fighting corruption and lawlessness in the government, you will be willing to investigate and bring to the international media all evidence of corruption, criminality and treason in   the US government and US judiciary.


/s/ Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ
