4 Polyamorous Lawyers Walk Into A Bar -- The Supreme Court Bar

Justice Alito uses a humorous hypothetical to explore the slippery slope.

[Imagine a relationship with] four people, two men and two women. It’s not the sort of polygamous relationship, polygamous marriages that existed in other societies and still exist in some societies today…. [T]hey’re all consenting adults, highly educated. They’re all lawyers.

— Justice Samuel Alito, posing a hypothetical of four lusty lawyers to petitioners’ counsel, Mary Bonauto, during oral argument today in Obergefell v. Hodges (aka the same-sex marriage cases). Justice Alito asked Bonauto if, under her logic, she would have any basis for denying this foursome the right to marry.

(You can access the transcript here and here, and the audio here and here.)
