Captain Kirk Stars In Local Law Firm Ad

To boldly go where no man...ufacturer negligence suit has gone before.

Local lawyer ads run the gamut from the hilariously terrible to sublime tributes to fire and destruction. Making a quality commercial is hard. You don’t just sit down to meditate and have a genius ad pop into your head.

They’re also expensive. Which is we see so many more single-camera, deer-in-headlights commercials than Jamie Casino-style cinematic-revenge narratives. It’s also why there aren’t a lot of celebrities endorsing law firms — and no, we’re not counting Robert Vaughn as a celebrity.

Sometimes, a local firm bags a big name to endorse their humble practice. Like when rapper Mike Jones endorsed… Mike Jones. However, that pales in comparison to Milwaukee firm Hupy and Abraham whose public face is Captain Kirk himself.

Given the industry, perhaps it’s more appropriate to say “Denny Crane himself” (or maybe “T.J. Hooker himself”). This tip first came to us from one of Hupy’s opposing counsel who had a bit of a shock when he called the firm:

I called Hupy and Abraham who are opposing counsel in a case I am on. Their “you are on hold” message is William Shatner (Captain Kirk). Turns out he also cut a commercial for them.

Sure it’s a no-frills, “look we have books!” commercial, but it’s also Captain Kirk, so show some damn respect. I mean, what did you expect him to say?


Shatner: Do you believe you were a victim of a… CONNNNNNNNNNNN!

Hey, sometimes less is more. That’s why, when it comes to “making local Milwaukee ads,” Shatner acquitted himself better than his colleague.

Oh my.

Earlier: I Actually Can’t Believe This Lawyer Put This Ad On TV
Lawyer’s Epic Super Bowl Ad Starring A Heavy Metal Angel And A Sledgehammer
Double Platinum Rapper Shilling For Local Lawyer Now
