Education / Schools

Lawsuit You Won’t Believe: Students Sue To Keep School Open

Kids who want to go to school and the system that might let them down.

Oh Tennessee! You are really making a case to catch up with Florida, in terms of WTF moments.

It seems Clay County, Tennessee, which has been struggling with budget issues for three years, made the decision on Thursday night to close schools for the remainder of the year.

The “straw that broke the camel’s back” for the district was none other than Obamacare (because when in doubt, Thanks Obama), according to the Greenfield Reporter, with Clay County Director of Schools Jerry Strong calling it “an unfunded mandate.”

But two students are using the legal system to stop this crazy train:

A lawsuit and temporary injunction was filed today in an effort to keep schools open, at least until a chancery court judge meets with administrators on Oct. 19. Next week students are out for fall break.

It’s a familiar refrain — the judicial system being called upon to be the voice of reason. Let’s hope, for the sake of the students, it is up to the task.

UPDATE: Clay County Schools To Close Friday Due to Budget Issues [Fox 17 News]
Small Tennessee school district closes, citing financial struggles, need for new income [Greenfield Reporter]
Tennessee County Closes All Schools Indefinitely, Director Blames Obamacare [Gawker]