You’re killing me, Violets. First you go full Lord of the Flies in the library, and now this. Food thievery is rampant at law schools — so much so that we think many of you are going overboard — but at NYU food theft requires safety warnings because no one trusts their fellow students to work basic appliances. I’m starting to understand NYU’s precipitous fall in the ATL Rankings.
Subject: Re: Whoever took my pizza in the Kushner fridge and left the box…
In the same vein, if you take the remaining half of someone’s Cuban sandwich* from the Kushner fridge – totally forgivable at this point in finals, you get hungry, you maybe think it’s yours, not bad karma at all, etc. – don’t forget to remove the (quite metallic) Reynolds wrap from the sandwich before microwaving!
Eating is important during finals, but so is fire safety. You want to be on fire during your exam, not before it.
Some comestibles are combustibles, too. Don’t let your meal plans be *foiled* by a microwave disaster:
It’s a wonder the Mercer residence hasn’t burnt to the ground. Seriously, what’s the deal? Does the Greenberg Lounge not sell doughnuts anymore? People shouldn’t steal food, but maybe we could all stop bringing outside food into the law school and jamming it in a communal refrigerator?

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*If you want to get it at the source, hit up El Nuevo Portal in Cobble Hill. It’s only $7, great value.
An excellent suggestion, but eat that sandwich at home. There are, literally, hundreds of restaurants within walking distance of NYU that will provide you sustenance without requiring any microwave cookery. Grab a dollar slice and you’re even coming out ahead of the game.
Well, financially anyway.
Earlier: Jesus, NYU Law Kids — Calm The F**k Down
OK, Stop It, Cornell Law School