The ATL Holiday Party: A Photo Essay

Thanks to everyone for coming, and thanks to Themis Bar Review for sponsoring!

It might not feel like the holiday season, given the warm weather we’re experiencing here in New York City, the home base on Above the Law. But it’s definitely the most wonderful time of the year, as you can tell from the bonus news, the shopping for gifts, and our annual law firm holiday card contest (whose nomination deadline is tonight, so submit now).

Thanks to everyone who came out last week for our Above the Law holiday party. This year’s festivities were well-attended, and everyone was in a celebratory mood — thanks in part to Cravath’s 2015 bonuses, announced the day before.

The party took place at The Royal NYC on Tuesday, December 8, from 7 to 9 p.m. (and beyond). Here are some photos from the festivities:

Thanks to our sponsor, Themis Bar Review, for making such a delightful night possible. Flip to the next page to see the entire gallery of photos that were taken at the party.
