The February bar exam is never going to boast the best passage figures. Obviously most of those taking the test are on their second go-around and probably failed for a reason the first time. Still, the figures coming out of the February administration of the Florida bar exam reveal some serious problems for the law schools so desperately hoping to boost those “full-time, long-term” legal employment numbers. UPDATE: A tipster points out that I missed a key line from the bar examiner letter — the following stats only apply to first-time takers, meaning these schools can’t even use the “well they already messed up once” excuse.
In a letter dated this morning, the Florida Bar Examiners released a breakdown of their February test results. The verdict, as always, is that Florida Coastal is not a sound investment. But the problems go beyond that notorious for-profit law school.
Only 32.7 percent of Florida Coastal grads taking the test managed to pass, placing them just a smidge behind of Barry University’s 35.9 percent. Those two also boasted the most students taking the test, which isn’t a particularly good sign. But University of Florida and University of Miami both hovering just north of 50 percent?!? I know they have relatively few students in the February pool, but those are Ave Maria numbers (52.9 percent).

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Meanwhile, hats off to Nova Southeastern and Florida State, who got 75 percent and 71.4 percent of their respective students over the hump. And a round of applause for Florida International with 84.6 percent passage. If that sounds odd, then you haven’t been paying attention because FIU dominated the summer exam too. Maybe it’s time everyone else start copying their prep course, eh?
(The full results are available on the next page…)
Earlier: Guess Which Law School Dominated The Florida Bar Exam? It’s Not Who You’d Expect…