Not Your Average CLE: Live Conversation From The Clio Cloud Conference

Focusing on technology that enables lawyers to leave their big firms and start their own practice.

Clio CloudRecently, I published a post asking lawyers to get in touch with me by email, Twitter and LinkedIn to share their thoughts about how tech is impacting their practice, and the response so far has been great.

Today and tomorrow, I’m taking it up a notch by joining hundreds of tech-enabled lawyers (mostly solo and smaller firm folks) at the Clio Cloud Conference in Chicago.(Full disclosure: I am a guest at the conference and Clio covered my travel costs to Chicago.)

I’ve written several times about how I’d like to see technology enable lawyers to leave their big firms and start their own practice, and that is Clio’s vision. You may recall that earlier this month, I published a conversation with Clio’s CEO Jack Newton.  Today, Jack is taking the stage at the Clio Cloud Conference to address a packed ball room of more than 750 strong who have come from all over the country (or in my case all over the world) to connect and share knowledge about how to build and run a successful practice.

But, in case you’re not one of the lucky ones to make it to Chicago for the conference, we’ve got you covered. Fellow legal tech blogger Mary Redzic, she of, is going to hang out with me here on ATL (and we may pull in some others as we go). Want to follow the conference as it unfolds? Just click to follow our conversation below and drop in your email. As always, this conversation isn’t a “live chat,” it’s a real-life conversation, and Mary and I (plus some others) will be going back and forth over the course of the conference.


Zach Abramowitz is a former Biglaw associate and currently CEO and co-founder of ReplyAll. You can follow Zach on Twitter (@zachabramowitz) or reach him by email at


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