Larry Tribe On Impeachment In The Only Format Trump Understands

Freed from the restraints of law reviews and granted the immediacy of the internet, he let loose.

Laurence Tribe

Laurence Tribe

When history looks back of the reign of Donald J. Trump, a discussion on the import of Twitter is likely to soon follow. Trump used it to gain and consolidate support during the election and during the early days of his presidency and his administration’s war on the media, and it’s remained a favored method of communication. But Trump isn’t the only one who can master 140 characters.

Laurence Tribe, noted constitutional law professor at Harvard Law School, took to Twitter on Saturday night to express his concerns with Donald Trump’s use of executive power to effectively ban Muslims from a list of six countries and to halt travel of legal immigrants from those countries as well. Professor Tribe did not mince words:

Freed from the restraints of law reviews and granted the immediacy of the internet, he let loose:


Given Tribe’s involvement in the Emoluments Clause lawsuit against Trump, his perspective probably isn’t surprising. But seeing his strongly worded tweets is probably encouraging for those working against the ban.

headshotKathryn Rubino is an editor at Above the Law. AtL tipsters are the best, so please connect with her. Feel free to email her with any tips, questions, or comments and follow her on Twitter (@Kathryn1).
