Non-Sequiturs: 02.01.17

* The ACLU has joined the Y Combinator community. [Y Combinator] * I choose to believe Judge Gorsuch did this as part of a small effort to rise above the political morass he finds himself in. [The Hill] * Anne Gorsuch Burford, Neil's mom, and her controversial time at the EPA, which sound eerily familiar to what we are likely to see again in the next few years. [The Slot] * If you're a lawyer that opposes Trump, what should you be doing? [Law and More] * Judge Gorsuch's record on LGBTQ rights. [Slate] * Designers and patents and trade dress, oh my! [The Fashion Law] * When all strategies for dealing with Neil Gorsuch's nomination to the Supreme Court are flawed. [Rewire] * How to find the best opportunities to network. [Reboot Your Legal Practice]

ACLU Card* The ACLU has joined the Y Combinator community. [Y Combinator]

* I choose to believe Judge Gorsuch did this as part of a small effort to rise above the political morass he finds himself in. [The Hill]

* Anne Gorsuch Burford, Neil’s mom, and her controversial time at the EPA, which sound eerily familiar to what we are likely to see again in the next few years. [The Slot]

* If you’re a lawyer that opposes Trump, what should you be doing? [Law and More]

* Judge Gorsuch’s record on LGBTQ rights. [Slate]

* Designers and patents and trade dress, oh my! [The Fashion Law]


* When all strategies for dealing with Neil Gorsuch’s nomination to the Supreme Court are flawed. [Rewire]

* How to find the best opportunities to network. [Reboot Your Legal Practice]
