Scoring Too Low On Your Practice MBEs? Don’t Panic!
How are you going to pass with only three weeks left?
OMG, I just got a 92 on the simulated practice MBE exam! How am I going to pass with only three weeks left?
We, at Marino, receive a lot of feedback from students all over the country studying for the bar exam. As the homestretch approaches and bar courses are winding down, students who recently took their simulated practice MBE exam and did not score well are beginning to panic, looking for a quick solution to save them. And with MBE scores hitting all-time lows over the last couple of exams, anxiety is reaching a fevered pitch.
If you are one of the students feeling this pressure, we want you to know that there is something you can do to improve your MBE score in these final weeks without disrupting your study schedule. Professor Marino created a specific method for approaching the bar exam which has raised the MBE scores of thousands of students including, famously, JFK Jr. who went on to pass the New York Bar Exam by a wide margin. The Method is taught today only in our online bar preparation program, however, due to the feedback from current and former students, we have decided to create a specialized program around our Method to significantly raise students’ MBE scores with only a few hours of work. The program is simple — students watch an online video lecture to learn the Marino MBE Method, apply the Method on assigned MBE questions, then meet one-on-one with an expert bar exam tutor for one hour to reinforce the Method, answer questions, and receive guidance for the remaining study period. In addition, students have the option of practicing what they have learned on seven, 25-question, single-subject practice exams, and reviewing the answers and our Method with a video lecture review of each exam.
We created this program in response to two primary concerns: the lack of time and money. First, students already have a lot of work assigned from their primary bar prep course and not enough time to complete all of it as it is. Second, students have already spent a lot of money on the courses they are taking and are not able to expend more resources for the exam. This is why we made the program short — it can be completed in a few hours — and very affordable, so that any student can use the program and see their MBE scores vastly improve.
We are always looking for new ways to help students pass the exam and respond to feedback from students who need to get an edge. We are certain that there is nothing you can do in the time remaining that will help your MBE score more than giving us a few hours of your time to show you a different and better way of attacking MBE questions.
We wish you good luck and recommend that you DON’T PANIC!