
ALERT: Disgraced Judge Roy Moore Is Leading The Alabama Senate Race

Next time Alabama asks to secede, let them.

Roy Moore, Roy freaking Moore, won the first round of the Alabama Senatorial primary to replace Jeff Sessions, and establishment Republicans aren’t sure they can beat him in the runoff.

Roy Moore has been forced off the Alabama Supreme Court TWICE. First, because he installed the Ten Commandments in his courthouse and then refused to remove them. Then, after he WON HIS SEAT BACK, for encouraging probate judges to ignore the Supreme Court and refuse to issue marriage licenses for same-sex couples.

And now he’s probably going to be a United States senator. Because Alabama. Because the people of Alabama WANT to be like this. They’re not stupid, they’re not being duped. They’ve had every opportunity to learn that Moore is a gay-bashing theocrat, and they’ve said, “Gimmie some of that.” Here’s something I wrote about Moore in 2016. It’s still true:

It’s easy to write a post about how horrible Roy Moore is as a judge, and by all indications, as a person. But Roy Moore cannot exist without people — reactionary, bigoted people — who support him. The people of Alabama are going to have to accept that gays and lesbians are “people,” just like they need to accept that women are people, and black people are people. As long as they resist that universal truth, people like Roy Moore will exist.

In that context, I couldn’t give a damn if Roy Moore is fired, disbarred, or vindicated. He is a small, hateful man. He’s not the problem. The people of Alabama are the problem. They don’t want to join the 20th Century, much less the 21st.

The rot is coming from inside the house.

GOP Establishment Has Uphill Battle To Keep Firebrand Roy Moore From Senate [TPM]

Elie Mystal is an editor of Above the Law and the Legal Editor for More Perfect. He can be reached @ElieNYC on Twitter, or at [email protected]. He will resist.