How To Improve The Accuracy Of Your Legal Research

Some things in the life are optional, but as an attorney you know that having accurate legal research is not one of those things.

Some things in the life are optional. From going solo to going paperless to going to lunch, the choice is yours. However, as an attorney, you know that having accurate legal research is not optional. If you failed to uncover that a case was overturned or a statute revised, your credibility is done, and your case may be, too.

There’s no reason for that to happen if you have a proper research plan combined with the right legal research tools. Read on for tips to improve the accuracy of your legal research.

Recognize the Limits of Free Research Services

Free legal research services can sound great in theory when you’re under pressure to control costs. However, the limitations of free research services can cost you in the long run and put your research accuracy at risk. Free services are free because they are missing valuable features that save you time and ensure that you are viewing the most up-to-date and accurate cases, statutes, and analytical materials. Such services may not maintain their content, which may be out of date, making the research process more cumbersome and making you less likely to determine whether your case or statute is the most recent.

Get to Know the Westlaw Enhancements That Help Improve Accuracy

Westlaw Attorney Editors keep all materials up-to-date and flag legislation or subsequent case law that may impact a particular law or case. Westlaw editorial enhancements like the following streamline the process of determining the status of cases, statutes, and regulations.


KeyCite comprises several features and is available for case law, statutes, regulations, administrative decisions, and patents. For case law, KeyCite is most extensive and consists of several features:

  • KeyCite Flags: Pay attention to the flag color code: A yellow flag indicates a document has some negative treatment. A red flag indicates a document is no longer good law for at least one point of law. A blue-striped flag indicates a document has been appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals or the U.S. Supreme Court (excluding appeals originating from agencies).
  • Citing References Tab: Click into this tab to find materials that cite to the underlying document.

Read the full article for more ways to ensure that your legal research is accurate.

Mary Schlaphoff is a contract marketer for Thomson Reuters ProView eBooks specializing in thought leadership, marketing research and branding intelligence. Prior to joining Thomson Reuters in 2016, Mary provided marketing research, strategy and writing services to large and small clients in industries including technology, healthcare and financial services. She holds a BA in Political Science from Coe College and an MBA from the University of Washington.

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