Lawyerly Lairs: A Wachtell Lipton Partner's $5.4 Million Prewar Palace

He and his wife, an interior designer, did a beautiful renovation before moving in.

This is how the living room looked in the listing:

And here’s what the Savitts did with it:

Okay, I’m not going to lie; the giant mustard couch is not to my liking. But Nazak Savitt did a bang-up job with the dining area, didn’t she?

And I’m also a fan of what she did with the study (where Bill Savitt, a litigator specializing in M&A deals, proxy fights, corporate governance, and the like, probably spends a lot of time):


A Wachtell Lipton partner and a successful interior designer probably don’t have much time to cook — but when they do cook, here’s where they do it in….
