Roy Moore's Wife Swallowed The Dog Whistle With Her Smirk

Don't forget, this guy's an anti-Semite too.

(Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)

Roy Moore is probably going to win his Senate race today, because the people of Alabama are bad.

Like, I get how it’s fashionable to blame the candidate or blame the party or blame “tribalism” or whatever. But anybody who wakes up and trundles to a polling station and casts a ballot for Roy Moore today is just a bad person. They have all of the available information to know that voting for Moore means supporting a bigoted, gay-bashing, alleged pedophile — cloaked as a THEOCRAT, nonetheless. To support him is to support the very worst this Earth has to offer.

If they do it anyway, they’re just bad. They’re either actively evil or way too comfortable with evil for my taste.

At a rally last night, we were reminded of all the things that make Roy Moore bad. And then we were reminded that he’s also an anti-Semite. Anti-Semitism is so prevalent among Trumpsters that it’s possible to forget that it’s there if you are not paying attention. It’s like a salt that dissolves into their milieu of awfulness; you forget it’s there until you taste it.

Last night, Roy Moore’s wife, Kayla Moore, reminded everybody what the anti-Semitic enema tastes like, lest people forgot. From the New York Daily News:

“Fake news would tell you that we don’t care for Jews,” Moore said, before claiming to “set the record straight.”

“One of our attorneys is a Jew,” she said, pausing for laughs and hoots from the audience.


It’s funny cause the “Jew lawyer” thing is a thing DUMBASSES FROM ALABAMA STILL THINK IS FUNNY.

These bad people can go f**k themselves. Look at them. They’re out there rallying FOR PEDOPHILIA, and have enough leftover sh****ness to cast aspersions on other people? The nerve would be HILARIOUS if it wasn’t so sick.

Roy Moore might win. His supporters might feel triumphant. But no victory can obscure the objective fact that they suck.

Happy Hanukkah, especially to all of my Jewish friends who happened to be attorneys despite having no genetic predilection to the profession!

‘One of our attorneys is a Jew,’ Roy Moore’s wife says in smirking anti-Semitism defense [New York Daily News]


Elie Mystal is the Executive Editor of Above the Law and the Legal Editor for More Perfect. He can be reached @ElieNYC on Twitter, or at [email protected]. He will resist.