Another Firm Is Ponying Up $105K In Clerkship Bonuses

Is this a trend?

Last week, we reported change was afoot in the market for former clerks. That’s when it was revealed that Quinn Emanuel bumped up the signing bonus for individuals who choose to join the firm post-clerkship, raising the amount they offer candidates from $75,000 to $105,000.

That $105,000 number is a big, splashy one. Quinn was already the leader of the pack when it offered $75,000 to former clerks, and while a few firms followed that standard (and some even came in above that mark), the majority of top firms still offer a $50,000 signing bonus to clerks. Now comes word that another firm is making a big play for former clerks by offering $105,000 as well.

Sources at Hueston Hennigan report the prestigious boutique is stepping up and offering $105,000 to former clerks. Astute observers of the legal market probably aren’t surprised by that news. Hueston Hennigan has a reputation of being generous with its bonuses — 2017 end-of-year bonuses at the litigation shop crushed the market standard, clocking in at 30-50% of associate salaries. And let’s not forget the firm was the very first to match the Cravath pay scale when the market jumped to a $180,000 starting salary in 2016.

Brian Hennigan, Hueston Hennigan’s managing partner, told Above the Law the move was part of a larger strategy of attracting the best:

Because of the quality of our cases and the early advocacy opportunities given to our associates, we have been fortunate to attract the best, brightest, and most committed law clerks.  We have consistently sought to compensate all of our associates at the top of the market, and our new clerkship bonus reflects that.

So the firm born out of an exodus over disappointing compensation continues to come through with the big bucks — no wonder it is considered one of the best boutiques to work for.

Are other firms ready to make the move to $105K clerkship bonuses? If you have information about any firm’s clerkship bonuses, you should email us or text us (646-820-8477) with all the details. Thanks!


headshotKathryn Rubino is an editor at Above the Law. AtL tipsters are the best, so please connect with her. Feel free to email her with any tips, questions, or comments and follow her on Twitter (@Kathryn1).
