Aaron Schlossberg Is Having A Delightfully Bad Day

Karmic justice is real.

via YouTube

Walking disgrace Aaron Schlossberg unleashed his racist stylings on the world yesterday, publicly berating and threatening employees of a Manhattan eatery for speaking Spanish. Today, the world received a much-needed reminder that karma is real, with Schlossberg suffering for his actions in every possible way. Professionally, personally, seriously, frivolously… it’s coming from all directions and it’s entirely deserved.

Video of Schlossberg overreacting and seemingly calling the authorities on reporters asking him straightforward questions about his comments (full video at the link above). He did a lot of running actually:


He was more nonchalant about it when caught in court.

Compounding his troubles, we’re minutes away from 10,000 people signing a petition calling for his disbarment. As NYU Law’s Stephen Gillers explained, disbarment is probably not on the table for Schlossberg’s behavior, though some discipline is possible — likely a private admonition if Schlossberg’s record is clean to this point.


Meanwhile, Schlossberg’s also being publicly called out for pulling a real-life Lionel Hutz:

Hutz: All right gentleman. I will take your case. But I will require a thousand dollar retainer.
Bart: A thousand dollars. But your ad says “no money down”.
Hutz: Oh, they got this all screwed up.
Bart: So you don’t work on a contingency basis?
Hutz: No, money down. Oops, I shouldn’t have the Bar Association logo here either.

That passage is relevant for the last sentence, from Newsone:

While it was unclear how those two efforts would play out, what was plain to see was that Schlossberg’s website plainly stated he was “a member of the New York State Bar Association.” But a phone call proved that to be resoundingly untrue.

“Mr. Schlossberg is not a member of the New York State Bar Association,” Dan Weiller, the group’s managing director of marketing and communications, declared to NewsOne in no uncertain terms during a phone call Thursday morning.

Aw, that’s a real shame.


He may also have a lot less help around the office. The associate featured on his firm website has since disappeared. Above the Law reached out to the associate via Twitter to ask if she had quit the firm, but have not yet heard back. UPDATE: She is… not on board:

UPDATE: Also, not that he has an office. ABC is reporting that Schlossberg is no longer welcome in the building where he rents his office.

But at least Aaron has one thing to look forward to — an evening of live music. A GoFundMe, set up by Alt Immigration, is hiring a taco truck and mariachi band to troll him.

They’ve already met their goal. And that, friends, is making America great again.

Earlier: Jerk Videotaped Threatening To Call ICE On Two Women Speaking Spanish TO EACH OTHER — Obviously He’s A Lawyer

HeadshotJoe Patrice is an editor at Above the Law and co-host of Thinking Like A Lawyer. Feel free to email any tips, questions, or comments. Follow him on Twitter if you’re interested in law, politics, and a healthy dose of college sports news.